Course curriculum

    1. Welcome & Course Instructions

    1. Welcome from Dr. Wendy Nickerson (9:12)

    2. Course Overview (2:40)

    3. Introduction - Jeannette Folan (1:09)

    4. What is Ascension? Spiritual growing pains! (8:35)

    5. The Light and Our Light Bodies (10:03)

    6. Module #1 - Resources, Guides & Downloads

    1. Preparation Meditation (8:00)

    2. Ascension Symptoms Introduction (3:08)

    3. How the Body is Affected (15:18)

    4. What's Happening to My Mind? (10:19)

    5. Emotions, Emotions, Emotions (11:42)

    6. Even Our Behavior is Changing (12:54)

    7. Module #2 — Resources, Guides & Downloads

    8. Audio - Grounding Exercise

    1. Preparation Meditation (8:00)

    2. Common Fears of Ascension (3:42)

    3. What Are You Going to Lose? (6:38)

    4. Who Are You Going to Be? (13:40)

    5. What About Relationships? (7:07)

    6. Relationship Exercise (8:52)

    7. Module #3 — Resources, Guides & Downloads

    1. Preparation Meditation (8:00)

    2. Bridging Two Worlds - Introduction (4:12)

    3. If You Sacrifice Just This One Thing... (9:05)

    4. And Learn to Do More of This...(6:24)

    5. And Develop This One Skill... (5:52)

    6. And Distance Yourself From This... (7:04)

    7. Module #4 — Resources, Guides and Downloads

    1. Preparation Meditation (8:00)

    2. Strategies Introduction (8:43)

    3. Plugging In (6:26)

    4. Exercise - Center Channel (4:16)

    5. Strategies for the Body - Part 1 (11:00)

    6. Strategies for the Body - Part 2 (10:24)

    7. Heartwork (8:58)

    8. Strategies for the Mind - Part 1 (7:17)

    9. Strategies for the Mind - Part 2 (16:05)

    10. Strategies for Emotions - Part 1 (8:29)

    11. Strategies for Emotions - Part 2 (7:01)

    12. Strategies for Behavior (3:50)

    13. Module #5 — Resources, Guides and Downloads

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 48 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

You're not alone.

"Thank you for providing this course. The title is reflective of the content as it is a "down to earth" guide. It has been reassuring and invaluable. I found each module helpful at different points when I chose to engage with them. I particularly enjoyed the strategies module and learning about the four modern spiritual teachers of whom I had not yet come across. I very much look forward to exploring their teachings too. Your course is a blessing which will change lives. I feel loved and supported by the Universe through this process. Much love. Namaste." Michelle Williamson